Literature Review On Consumer Behavior Towards Advertisement

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Consumer Behaviour Towards Advertisement Vinnie Angel BBA+MBA (DUAL) Enrolment no. A3923015008 7/2/2016 Table of Content 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review 3. Objective of the study 4. Data Analysis 5. Conclusion and Suggestion 6. Limitation of the study 7. Bibliography Advertisement is a medium of communication for influencing or suggesting audience for buying decision upon one product or service. Advertisement has created great impact upon the consumers. Brand image, persuasiveness and celebrity endorsement also play a part for advertising and catching the eye of the consumers. Television, radio, internet, magazine and newspapers are the general medium for communicating to consumer for the buying decision upon the product or…show more content…
They did the research through a comparative study of rural-urban area and male-female consumers. Their objective is to understand the relationship between TV advertising and consumer buying behaviour by having comparative study of rural-urban and male-female consumers. They tried to examine that whether it is successful by their fancy and glamorous TV advertisement in attracting the attention of customers of both genders and both residences i.e. rural and urban or not? By having conducting the research, they came to the conclusion that rural individuals and females like the TV advertisement more than urban residents and male counterparts. Rural residents jointly make a decision with their family members which product to be purchased and they also expect the same quality of the product that is shown in TV advertisement while it is not so with the urban residents. The research proved that there is a significant variation among the rural and urban residents on the issue that TV advertisements enhance the engagement process of buying. And they also finally concluded that buying behaviour of female individuals is more influenced by the television advertisements than their male…show more content…
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