The Dallai Lama's Human Rights Movement

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Millions of innocent Tibetans have been killed by the Chinese. They are persecuted for their religion, and their history has been destroyed (“Introduction to Tibet’). Many people have been trying to gain human rights for Tibetans, however, one of the most prominent Tibetan human rights activists is H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama is one of the most respected, well-deserved, and important contributors to helping the Tibetans gain human rights. Carefully selected by Buddhist monks, the Dalai Lama has fulfilled their wishes and has become a powerful religious leader and a human rights activist with many accomplishments through his peaceful methods. From being a young child all the way through his adulthood, the Dalai Lama has definitely…show more content…
His simple, smart, and effective methods have been recognized all over the world along with his peaceful mindset. Many world leaders and celebrities including Bill Clinton, Nelson Mandela, Mikhail Gorbachev, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Indira Gandhi, Nehru, Lady Gaga, and many more. (“Meeting With World Leaders”). On top of his meetings with world leaders and celebrities, he has also received many awards and accolades. In fact, the Dalai Lama received the world-famous Alfred Nobel Peace Prize in 1989. After receiving help from the Dalai Lama in many issues, Lama Zopa Rinpoche had critically praised the Dalai Lama saying ,“Your power is the source of all sentient beings' happiness and peace” (“Rinpoche”). When Lame Zopa Rinpoche mentions that the Dalai Lama brings peace and happiness, it is apparent that the Dalai Lama enlightens souls and leads them towards a merry life. While there are many positive results of his work, there are also a few negatives. China opposes to anyone meeting with the Dalai Lama. Recently, Lady Gaga was banned from China for visiting the Dalai Lama, her albums are also banned from being sold in China. Also, many protests have occurred around the world for the Dalai Lama to take more action and stop using his peaceful methods, even few Tibetans are opposing his peaceful methods since they haven’t gotten too

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