Modern Management Accounting

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MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING EDUCATION AND INDUSTRIES’ EXPECTATIONS IN NIGERIA: An Empirical Analysis BY Chinwuba OKAFOR, Ph.D DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF BENIN BENIN-CITY, EDO STATE, NIGERIA E-mail: Phone: +2348037867627 and Edirin JEROH, DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE FACULTY OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES DELTA STATE UNIVERSITY, ABRAKA. E-mail: Phone: +2348028336086 INTRODUCTION Accounting as a discipline is believed to offer diverse opportunities in both practice and specialization (Fatokun and Ojo, 2004). In developing countries like Nigeria, there seems to be little or nothing to write when it comes to issues concerning specialization. This situation…show more content…
Before this period, as Jacobs (2005) notes, virtually all transactions occurred between an owner-entrepreneur and individuals who were external to the organization. In fact, “a relatively narrow set of techniques was just enough to meet management’s needs” (Jacobs 2005:16). However, these assumptions are changing gradually, thus making management accountants to be more management oriented rather than just providing data for decision making only as was the case in the nineteenth century (Dyer, 1999; Parker, 2001; and Howieson,…show more content…
This statement attempt to describe the traditional role of management accounting as evidenced in the manufacturing settings that existed in the past. A period in which Jacobs (2005:16), note that “a relatively narrow set of techniques was sufficient to meet management’s needs”. In the light of the above, Johnson and Kaplan (1987) argue that management accounting had not changed since the early part of the twentieth century. They further posit that management accounting has lost its relevance, most especially, in the area of informing managers’

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