Lost Boy Song

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Lost boy - Ruth B - The song is about finding out who you are. In the song, it talks about getting to know yourself and getting yourself to your Neverland. Maddie was kept in her house 24/7 because she was said to have SKID, when she met Olly she started to find herself and wanted to go outside and this time had a reason to. Olly was how she found her Neverland. Malibu - Miley Cyrus - The song talks about how x brought her to places she never been before, and how they made her feel free. This is like how in the book meeting Olly for the first time was like nothing she's ever felt before. In Malibu Miley says “I would have never believed if three years ago you told me I would be here writing this song.” In the book, Maddie had been inside…show more content…
In the book Maddie and Olly are from different worlds. They have different families, different clothing choices, and different ways of living, he goes to high school and how she goes to online school. Yet somehow, they still go together. They are completely different Battle Scars - This song would be on both Olly’s mom and dad’s phone and on Maddie's mom's phone. In the song the artist wrote “These battle scars don’t look like they’re fading, don’t look like they’re ever going away, they ain’t ever gonna change, these battle scars…” goes with Both of Olly’s parents. Olly’s dad was very sad and angry after he lost his job and didn’t fully confront it when it happened instead he grabbed a drink, then another, then another, and so on. With that he became an alcoholic this was not good for his family, as he became angry and abusive towards his family. Him losing his job is his battle scar. Luckily though Olly convinced his mother who had gone through years of abusiveness, to finally leave him and go to NY. Her staying with Olly’s father gave her, Olly, and Kara - Olly's sister - all physical and emotional battle
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