God Grew Tired Of Us Analysis

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The documentary film God Grew Tired of Us portrays the transition of the lives of three Sudanese men: John Bul Dau, Panther Bior, and David Pach, from living in an UN Refugee Camp in Kenya to the United States. These men are “Lost Boys” who traveled thousands of miles to escape the 1983 civil war in Sudan. The film creates pathos with the use of music, different film angles, and animations/video clips of their journey. The documentary strives to bring attention to the civil war in Sudan, revealing the consequences of the conflict and the difficulty of the changes these men had to make in their lives. A narrator is used to give background information on the causes and facts of the Sudanese civil war, but she cannot explain the effects it had…show more content…
Back in the refugee camp, the interviews conducted with John, David, and Panther were very close up and had traditional Sudanese music playing in the background. Scenes were vibrant and showed numerous other Sudanese men and women laughing and dancing around. However, the scenes filmed in the United States appeared darker; the interviews had no background music playing and the cameras were positioned farther away from the men’s faces. These techniques created a sense of emptiness; something was missing from all the clips, whether it was music or additional people. This emptiness, or loneliness, is what all three men felt while staying in the United States; they missed their country, culture, and friends that they were filmed with in the refugee camp. In addition, the scenes in the US focused more on their hands and interactions with objects such as food, light switches, etc. Creating a feeling of awkwardness, the scenes reveal how the objects that are interacted with everyday are strange in form and concept to these men. The camera positions, film brightness and use of music help portray the difficulty John, David and Panther all experienced with moving to a new and unfamiliar area. They are desperately trying to emerge themselves into a world that is quite strange and lonely, but know it will provide them with numerous opportunities to help themselves and

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