Livelihood Strategies

1457 Words6 Pages
In developing countries rural households especially in African regions rely much on subsistence farming as main source of livelihoods in which food security is met and it also provides seasonal employment opportunities. Although rural households engaged much in farming activities but they are faced with enormous challenges that force them choose other options of livelihoods’ strategies. For instance, due to persistence droughts and unreliability of rainfall made rural households not to have sufficient food for their households’ consumption. These trends caused decline in food production and have triggered many rural households to migrate to urban areas in search of job opportunities to secure means of living. In Kenya the agricultural…show more content…
This will however depend on their capabilities, functioning and skills to compete in the labor market in the urban settings. It is crucial to have in depth understanding of why many rural households choose to undertake different means of livelihoods instead of farming? Finding answers to this question will certainly help develop policy and design programs to alleviate these challenges. Therefore, the overall purpose and goal of this study is to assess and analyze food access and livelihood strategy and choices of rural households in the study…show more content…
In reality the subsistence farming practices do not help rural farmers to significantly secure and meet their food requirements. This is because the rural households are constrained with enormous challenges that limit them increase their agricultural productivity. These challenges include but not limited to acquisition of improved agricultural inputs, technical skills and other productive assets such as land ownership and financial capital. There is a misperception that people living in rural areas are farmers- this may not necessarily be the case because some rural households even though they possessed productive or inherit productive assets such as agricultural land yet they do not embark on farming as means of earning livelihoods. However, other rural households preferred to work on other farmers’ fields instead to get paid for that specific period of
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