Cultural Competency And Vision-Culture Gap

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Cultural Competency and Vision-Culture Gap: How Cultural Competency Can Positively Affect Vision-Culture Gaps Alexis Howard Purdue University ABSTRACT "Culture eats strategy for breakfast." This popular quote simplifies the notion that without the support of the employees, strategic vision and planning fail. One of management's main functions is to develop effective, strategic business plans based on core values. These plans are then to be executed and supported by employees to expand brand recognition and create positive corporate branding. Depending on how this vision is communicated to employees and subsequently implemented, external stakeholders will develop a perception of the organization that is either aligned with the organization's…show more content…
Rigid communication styles used in our headquarters of Sarasota, are not well received by Miami-based employees who are accustomed to more fluid methods of communicating and negotiating. This clear gap between vision and culture has created tension among employees and challenges with creating a clear, monolithic brand in South Florida. By reviewing various case studies where organizations created strategies to build positive corporate culture, as well as identifying areas where organizations failed to plan, I will seek solutions for the current vision-culture challenges I am currently experiencing at work. Thesis: Research and studies have shown that when organizations take careful consideration of employees' cultural norms and differences, overall corporate culture is improved. One could argue that an organization's mission and vision se the framework for what the organization is known and appreciated for. According to Cornelissen, vision is defined as the "desired future state; the aspiration of the organization (Cornelissen, 2014)." Vision is the mental perception of what an organization aspires to be within a designated period of time and outlines the…show more content…
According to Nigerian culture, maintaining direct eye contact while communicating with superiors or persons in authority is disrespectful (David, 2012). In the United States, indirect eye contact portrays lack of interest or distraction (Mehrabian, 2009). Recognizing similar and dissimilar nonverbal behavior could reduce employee stress, job turnover, promote job satisfaction, performance levels, employee morale, communication, and a harmonious work environment (Chandrakumara et al., 2010). In recent case study by Imachuwu (2014), she explored how organization leaders perceived Nigerian nonverbal language contributing to cultural intelligence, enhancing productivity, and communication in a U.S. workplace. In this example, misunderstanding of nonverbal behaviors, such as eye contact, is a problem that results in communication breakdown, potentially reducing team efficiency and productivity. This study's findings revealed that a lack of effective communication resulted in conflicts, low employee morale, missed opportunities, reduced productivity, and lack of

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