Campbell's Soup

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Knowing business strategies and SWOT analysis can assist managers in finding the proper resolution for an issue. Douglas Conant, CEO of Campbell’s Soup, applied the SWOT analysis to see how to repair the company after its collapse. Conant showed that he was knowledgeable of the steps that needed to be taken to get the company back on its feet. It may take some time to see the results from analyzing situations, but in the end, the results can be remarkable for a company's success. In 2001, after the collapse of Campbell’s brand, Douglas Conant was brought in to assist in the turnaround of the company. According to Essentials of Contemporary Management, Conant created a three-year plan to get the company back on its feet (Jones & George, 2014). Conant developed a SWOT analysis to plan out how he will execute a positive change within the company. One of the key findings from this analysis was finding the growth of organic and health food segment of the food market and the increasing number of others kinds of convenience foods as a threat…show more content…
Neil Kokemuller states, "This strategy means identifying the most important criteria used by buyers in your market and then designing product, service or other offerings in a way that best meets those criteria. (Kokemuller, 2015)" This is exactly what Conant did. He identified that there was now more of a demand for healthier food choices; therefore, the company produced healthier soups, drinks, and snacks to appease the customer base. Producing a variety of options for customers represents the vertical integration of the company. He also saw that by putting the products in quick stop shops and even some restaurants would make the merchandise more easily accessible to customers versus just stocking the grocery stores. This move shows forward vertical integration by increasing differentiation of how the products are supplied to
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