Livelihood Approach Research

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2.4 Livelihood Approach and Its Principles 2. 4. 1 Conceptualizing Poverty In understanding the nature, characteristics and dynamics of poverty, it has been an academic and policy interest for many decades (Kedir, 2000). There are two broad complementary approaches to the conceptualization of poverty. Known as the pure economic and the anthropological approaches (Makisa et. al., 1997). The conventionally held pure economic definition (the poverty line approach) uses income and consumption indicators complemented by other social dimensions (access to basic services, life expectancy and infant mortality rates, proportion of household income spent on food and nutrition) and compare individuals, households, countries and categorize them as ‘poor’…show more content…
Second, it fosters a wider perspective on their employment. ‘Resources’ are seen not only as physical assets such as property, but as human assets such as time and skills, social assets such as networks and collective assets such as public sector services. While, ‘opportunities’ might include kin and friendship networks, institutional mechanisms, or organisational and group membership. Besides, a livelihoods approach provides the opportunity for integrating a gender perspective into mainstream analysis of development as it is recognized that the responses and contributions of men and women differ. In turn this approach has accommodated the expansion in including the generation which alongside gender. For example, it can be illustrated on how nowadays single mothers often perform the same role as man in contributing to the overall household income through participation in paid work with at the same performing their domestic…show more content…
Livelihood combines capabilities (human endowments such as skills, aptitudes, and initiatives) assets (stores and resources) and entitlements (claims and accesses) as both means and ends of sustaining a living. Thus, through this credibility of the concept, more optimistic studies which look households as proactive citizens able to survive in shocks and uncertainties appeared and dominated and dominated the development discourse (De Haan & Zoomers,

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