Hazardous Waste Research Paper

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Background Hazardous waste are those wastes that are considered harmful or potentially harmful to human health or the environment. The Environment Agency defines hazardous wastes as those that are either immediately harmful to human health or the environment or potentially harmful in the future. Wastes are classified as hazardous by the Environment Agency if they have one or more of the following properties: explosive, oxidising, highly flammable, flammable, irritant, harmful, toxic, carcinogenic, corrosive, infectious, and toxic for reproduction, mutagenic, sensitising, Eco toxic, or wastes which release toxic or very toxic gases in contact with water, air, or acid. Hazardous wastes do not include radioactive wastes, decommissioned explosives,…show more content…
Hazardous waste is the most difficult waste to be managed, since in the treatment process, heavy metal and dioxin among others are obtained. The outcome elements are dangerous not only for the environment but also for public health. The fundamental rule in managing waste is given by the following hierarchy: prevention, reducing its production, reuse, recycles valuation and deposition.(Couto, Silva, Monteiro, & Rouboa, 2013). The impact of hazardous waste on the environment and health If waste is not well-managed, unpredictable negative outcomes of household hazardous waste can occur at its source (residential households), waste collection points, during transportation, and after deposit in landfills and/or incineration sites, with the potential to cause permanent damage to the environment and public health. The impact of household hazardous waste is the exposure of health and the reduction of environment quality. From the health point of view stated that one of household hazardous waste characteristics is toxic. The toxic can come into food chain and it will be accumulated on human and be able to cause some gene mutation, cancer and congenital. From the environment reduction point of view, it causes surface water and ground water…show more content…
How hazardous waste can be managed Waste management is now tightly regulated in most developed countries and includes the generation, collection, processing, transport and disposal of waste. In addition the remediation of waste sites is an important issue, both to reduce hazards whilst operational and to prepare the site for a change of use (e.g. for building).The major methods of waste management are:  Recycling—the recovery of materials from products after they have been used by consumers.  Composting—an aerobic, biological process of degradation of biodegradable organic matter.  Sewage treatment—a process of treating raw sewage to produce a non-toxic liquid effluent which is discharged to rivers or sea and a semi-solid sludge, which is used as a soil amendment on land, incinerated or disposed of in land fill.  Incineration—a process of combustion designed to recover energy and reduce the volume of waste going to disposal.  Landfill—the deposition of waste in a specially designated area, which in modern sites consists of a pre-constructed ‘cell’ lined with an impermeable layer (man-made or natural) and with controls to minimize emissions.(Rushton,

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