CHAPTER-3 VENTURE CAPITAL 3.1 MEANING:- Venture capital is a private and institutional investment made to new start-up companies. It also involves risk means uncertain outcome in the expectation of huge profit. The term venture capital means financing that investors provide to startup companies and small businesses that are believe to be having long term growth potential. It is defined as “venture capital fund” under section 2(m) of the SEBI (Venture Capital Fund) Regulations, 1996. Under section
1.1 What is Venture Capital? Venture capital is a segment of private equity industry, which focuses on early-stage, high-potential, start-up companies. The venture capital fund earns money by owning equity in the companies it invests in, which usually have a new technology or business in high technology industries, such as biotechnology and IT, however with high risk. Funds are typically established as limited partnerships, which is a contract between institutional investors who become limited partners
projects, or small-medium-sized ventures that looking for a growth. The crowd can be understand as a
entrepreneurship has shown that self-employed family members pass on their resources such as knowledge, financial capital, and access to markets, suppliers or certain technologies to other family members. (Dum & Holtz-Eakin, 2000; Dyer & Handler,
ABSTRACT Women entrepreneurship is gaining importance in India as different policies for economic liberalisation and globalisation are coming into picture . implementation of various policies to develop entrepreneurial skills and training has widen various opportunies for women However, women constitute only one third of the economic enterprises but social and economic development of women is very necessary in order to develop overall economy. Indian government has also introduced National Skill
have had an impressive effect, advancing the verbal confrontation on intellectual property rights and improvement strategy. In any case, NGOs must stay watchful to guarantee that they don't move toward becoming giver driven. • After sometime the importance of commitments that NGOs have made to intellectual property strategy making and standard setting exercises in multilateral establishments will turn out to be more clear, yet this isn't a fleeting procedure. Role of Legal education and awareness
Californian Copper Syndicate v Harris (1904) 5 TC 159 This principle of this case is to examine the issue of the realisation of a capital asset and determine that the profit from the sales of a land to be mined for its minerals was assessable as ordinary income or is it capital in nature. California Copper Syndicate purchased a land for the purposes of mining copper. However, the company did not mined the land, instead went off to sold the land to a mining company ( Harris) at a profit in exchange
In order to avoid the investment risk better, the enterprise must recognize the importance of management. First of all, enterprises must further deepen the reform of enterprises, keep pace with the pace of market development, and truly realize the separation of management rights, ownership and supervision. Through scientific supervision
management of working capital is one of the pre-conditions for the accomplishment of a venture. Effective management of working capital means management of different parts of working capital in a manner that a sufficient measure of working capital is kept for smooth running of a firm and for satisfaction of twin goals of liquidity and gainfulness. While insufficient measure of working capital debilitates the association's liquidity, holding of overabundance working capital results in the decrease
of other people, to offer his own in exchange and thereby create money”. Crowthier, Nepal Investment Bank Limited (NIBL), formerly known as Nepal Indosuez Bank Limited was established in 1986 as a joint venture between Nepalese and French partners. The French partner (holding 50%of the capital of NIBL) was credit Agricole Indosuez,