Disadvantages Of Social Media Essay

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This chapter discusses a review of conceptual and research literature from books, newspapers, magazines and periodicals, online websites, published and unpublished materials, which are all about social media, it’s effects to children, it’s advantage and disadvantages, reasons why children nowadays overused this and how to reduce the risks of social media to children. Conceptual Literature Facts from books, journals, periodicals, online websites, magazines and unpublished materials were presented for the purpose of conferring relevant conceptual literature about Social Media. Social Media. From the word itself social means ‘relating to it’s society or its organization’ and media, ‘the plural form of medium meaning, the main means of mass…show more content…
Douglas Gentile, Director of the Media Research Lab at Iowa State University reports, "Almost one out of every ten youth gamers shows enough symptoms of damage to their school, family, and psychological functioning to merit serious concern." Beyond gaming, kids are filling their free time with other Internet activities: social networking, instant messaging (IM), blogging, downloading etc. Dr. Kimberly Young, Director of the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery, identified the following potential warning signs for children with pathological Internet use: Disadvantages of Social Media. Although there are tons of advantages of social media, many negative effects also emerged. Many children and teens these days, loses track of time while online which results to over use of social media. Instead of sleeping 8-12 hours a day, many chose to stay awake focusing on their blogs and games online. Due to this, children nowadays becomes agitated or angry when online time is interrupted, becomes irritable if not allowed access to the Internet, prefers to spend time online rather than with friends or family, loses interest in activities that were enjoyable before he or she had online access, becomes irritable, moody or depressed when not online. (Clarke-Pearson, K., O’Keeffe, G.,
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