Literature Review On Employee Performance

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Literature Review Organizations try their best to maintain a balance between employee commitment & performance of the organization. Every organization have come up with its rewards & recognition policies which helps the employee to boost their morale & keeping them passionate & their self esteem higher. Oosthuizen (2001) stated that it is duty of managers to motivate the employees successfully and influence their behavior to achieve greater organizational efficiency. La Motta (1995) is of the view that performance at job is the result of ability and motivation. The performance evaluation and rewards are the factors that are considered as bonding agents of the performance evaluation programs. According to Wilson (1994), the process of performance…show more content…
Among financial, economical and human resources, human resources are more vital that can provide a company competitive edge as compared to others. Lawler (2003) stated that health, prosperity and survival of the organization is determined through the human resources & how the employee is treated. It is been observed that the organizations gain the tremendous success if they comply with their business strategy & a well balanced reward and recognition programs for employee. Deeprose (1994) argued that the motivation & productivity of employees can be enhanced through providing them effective recognition resulting in stupendous performance of organization as a whole. The entire success & progress of an organization depends on how an organization motivates its employee & evaluate the performance of employees for job compensation. Freedman (1978) is of the opinion that along with attractive rewards and recognition if healthy working environment is produced then employees are motivated immensely to excel in their performance. Employees take recognition emotionally which in turn boosts up morale of employee which ultimately increases productivity of organizations. In this way motivated employees are retained with the organizations thus reducing extra costs of hiring. Flynn (1998) also suggested the same, that rewards and recognition…show more content…
They make sure that that whether these engagement are properly aligned make justice to the employee. Depending on the purpose, there are many measures & tools that can be selected to measure the engagement. Some of the tools adopted are predictive internal surveys, focus groups, detailed gap analyses by division, location, department, workplace, etc., and communication of prediction gaps and progress to the organization. Many companies use engagement surveys as a primary measurement tool to determine how well talent is being managed. Such surveys are considered much more than a measure of employee satisfaction. Engagement surveys also encompass questionnaires focusing on aspects like intent to stay, employee trust and organizational commitment. Once engagement data are gathered, the next logical step would be to examine the relationship between the engagement measures and business results. By asking relevant questions about employee engagement, HR can learn information to better determine levels of motivation, trust/distrust and overall company spirit, help minimize the risk of potential key skill losses around concerns about rewards, recognition and career development, gain a measure of the effectiveness of management, and evaluate the effectiveness of HR strategies and systems, such as performance

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