Character Analysis In Othello

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Even after swearing that Desdemona is not faithful to him, Othello tries not to condemn his wife too harshly. The handkerchief is still a topic he brings up when talking to Iago. The Scene, which starts on page 137 in the manga, begins with a picture of Othello´s tainted wings, which are now even more consumed by darkness. As he asks Iago about the handkerchief, Iago playd with a single black feather. This could be some sort of trophy for Iago, as he is the reason for which Othello´s soul and wings are blackening. The darker they get, the closer Iago gets to his goal, which would explain Iago´s new-found interest in Othello´s feathers. The villain now succeeds in whipping Othello into a greater fury through mere implications and Othello is…show more content…
Emilia goes on to explain the situation, namely how she stole the handkerchief because her husband made her do it. Iago realizes that her speech is incriminating him and murders her brutally with his daggers, before fleeing. Emilia directs her last words at the Moor, confirming that Desdemona was indeed innocent and chaste. Othello is confronted with realization, grief and anger towards Iago, who was captured and brought back to the scene. He is hurt by Othello, but not enough to die. Othello´s military authority is transferred to Michael Cassio to punish Iago. Othello however takes one of Iago´s daggers and stabs himself, his wings now white again, believing that he is a worthy man. The last shot that can be seen is the triumphant expression on Iago´s face as the man who was the cause of Iago´s plot, the man that had appointed Cassio and not Iago as his lieutenant, has finally faced his demise. Othello died in the belief that, even though he has done evil, he would die as a hero and martyr, since he stabbed the one person he sees as the true villain of the play:
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