Celebrity Endorsement Case Study

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A STUDY TO MEASURETHE IMPACT OF CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT OVER BUYING BEHAVIOR OF CUSTOMERS Ms. Sushmeet Kaur Assistant Professor, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi (New Delhi)-110021 (India) sushmeetkaur@rocketmail.com & Ms. Shilpa (Corresponding Author) Assistant Professor, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi (New Delhi)-110021 (India) shilpa.dse@gmail.com ABSTRACT The study aims to measure the buying behavior of the customers towards the celebrity endorsed products. The study also aims to measure the impact of celebrity endorsement over the purchase intention of the buyers. The study is based on the primary data collected through questionnaire with a purpose to know the opinions of the customers. The sample size of the…show more content…
With the help of such a platform, consumers’ feel connected themselves with the brand value from the perspective of the celebrity personnel and somehow affection starts growing towards the product. Here in India, people idolize the life and the style of a celebrity in their mind. The impact is so mesmerizing that any activity can be capitalized on their huge fan followers (Erdogan, 1999). Therefore the relationship between celebrity endorsement and consumer behavior is huge and binding cannot be ignored or undermined. In some parts of India, people even have made temples of their favorite celebrity and they worship them as God. Thus, this endorsement plan always works with in a competing business environment like…show more content…
No significant difference have been found in the customers’ purchase intentions towards the celebrity endorsed products and non-celebrity endorsed products in the study. Tom et al. (1992) revealed in the study that products endorsed by the created endorsers are more effective than the products with celebrity endorsers. People are more attractive towards the created endorsers who endorse only one product and repeatedly. People are less attractive towards the celebrity endorser who endorse more than one product at one time or associated with more than one product at a time. Agrawal and Kamakura (2005) and (Mishra 1990), conducted study to measure the effectiveness of the celebrity endorsement. The researchers aims to measure the economic worth of celebrity endorsement over the profitability of the firms. The findings of the study suggest that the celebrity endorsement advertisements increases the sale of those products and increases the profitability of the

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