Perception Gap In Communication

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The possible problems are that should any gaps arise between the elements, in the long run, they could lead to unfavourable consequences in the organisation. To determine the possibility of such problems, a perception gap would be looked at. Berry and Parasuraman (1991), developed a GAP model and demonstrated that a customer who visits an organisation expecting to get certain quality of service basing on previous dealings or because of advertising may be disappointed by the outcome. This was said to arise due to gaps caused by a number of reasons that include non- communication of vision and strategy, ignoring needs of customers, failure to follow instructions or even errors in communicating with the customers. The same principles were used…show more content…
Balmer (1998) then identified three types of communication forms that included primary communication covering aspects of products and services, employee behaviour to stakeholders and market behaviour. Included under what he defined as secondary communication are aspects of formal corporate communication and visual identification system. Lastly, Balmer (1998) classifies tertiary communication as including word of mouth, media interpretation and competitors’ communication. The writers alluded to the fact that availability of tools of communication and the way an organisation handles such tools will bring about a positive or negative picture about it. Marwick and Fill (1997), also agreed with Balmer and said corporate communication is the process which translates the corporate identity into image and he emphasized the means the organisation uses to present itself to its stakeholders as critical. The International Corporate Identity Group (ICIG) also alluded to the fact that corporate identity now differs from the traditional brand marketing of using the logo and colours but stated that it is concerned with all stakeholders and how the organisation relate with…show more content…
Apart of cause from the scrutiny of public accounts, it is important to consider those who will receive the information in terms of its form and how best that can be done. Efficiently handled communication in terms of channels, timing and content should increase stakeholders’ interest in and knowledge of the OAG activities. 2.3.3 Industry identity Element This relates to the mix of attributes which make any entity distinct and it links to the actual, communicated, conceived, ideal and desired identity. “Products are made in the factory; brands are created in the mind” says, Walter Landor (2009). The writer posits that over the years brand identity was created by the name, promise logo and packaging but now it has grown to include the whole development process. He explained brand as the sum total of all functional and emotional assets of the product or service that differentiate it among the

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