Collagen Beauty Drinks Case Study

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In Malaysia, the growth of collagen beauty drinks products possessing several brands was irrefutable since its demand demonstrates a rapid increase from year to year and are buzz skin care product for young adult women to ingest it daily (Kosmo! Online, 2015; Ridzwan & Hashim, 2015). Definitely, almost every woman in this world desires to appear beautiful, thus they used to fix up anything in achieving what they dreamed towards beauty. In general, nowadays women of generation-Y were extremely concerned about their self-appearance and they devote more money for beauty products. The main reason perhaps of the alluring advertisements in promoting a certain brand of collagen beauty drink through stunning endorsers would persuade women consumers…show more content…
There are two major questions arise here; 1) Does all the collagen based beauty drink product are halal? 2) While women consumers are too obsessed to become beautiful and youthful, did they possess adequate information about the halalness of the products before they pursue with purchase behavior decision? For instance, based on a previous study, it was proved that the majority of women always ignored the halal specifications in making decision to purchase collagen beauty drink products (M. Hashim, 2013) especially the younger generation, and those who lived in the urban areas which likely to spend more on health and beauty products (Teng & Jusoh, 2013). Even though there is no halal logo certified by JAKIM, they simply buy the collagen drinks and consume it unhesitatingly. On the other hand, the key suppliers of collagen for a beauty drink product, cosmetics and other personal care in this world are consisting of non-Muslim manufacturers and collagen was mainly imported from non-Muslim countries which might dispute on the wellness of the entire ingredients (Ahmad, Rahman, & Rahman, 2015). Besides that, most of commercial collagen is obtained from bovine hide, pig skin, and chicken waste (Kiew & Don, 2013) and the manufacturers often choose pig skin, lard and pork as main ingredient to produce collagen because it is comparatively…show more content…
Other than that, it can be viewed as a set of ideas, information and familiar experiences (Tariq, Nawaz, Nawaz, & Butt, 2013) that guide consumer to assess the products (Rao & Monroe, 1988) and execute particular behavior. Besides, knowledge has two types which are: objective knowledge (i.e. enduring perfect information about a product) and subjective knowledge (consumer awareness of a product based on their subjective understanding) (Saqib, Mahmood, Khan, & Hashmi, 2015). Knowledge has great effect to consumer behavior, especially through seeking information (Brucks, 1985; Rao & Sieben, 1992) and information processing (Alba & Hutchinson, 1987).In addition, there are many researches ascertain the positive significant relationship between subjective knowledge and purchase intention Satish & Peter, 2004; Rao & Monroe, 1988). Therefore, this study investigates consumer’s knowledge among women towards halal collagen beauty drinks as according to (Abdul, Shaari, & Shahira, 2010), consumers with full knowledge about halal would improve the decision to buy halal products since they know well the sources of collagen

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