Literature Review Of Literature On Shopping Orientations

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REVIEW OF LITERATURE The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of atmospheric dimensions and shopping orientations on consumer patronage. More specifically, the research is oriented towards examining the effects of store environment and shopping orientations on consumer’s perception about a store, shopper’s emotional reactions and his buying behavior across different retail formats for apparels and lifestyle products. For this a deep examination of various studies was done and study of literature was divided in different categories: 1. Studies based on store environment 2. Studies on retail patronage 3. Shopping orientations 4. Studies based on consumer emotions 5. Consumer’s approach – avoidance behavior 6. Studies on stimulus…show more content…
Brown & Reid (1955) study on women shoppers made classification as Dependant, Compulsive and Individalistic shoppers. Stephenson & Willet (1969) added a Store Loyal to the category of shoppers. Then Darden & Reynolds (1971) study on 177 housewives in Athens , Georgia tested statements on shopping orientations developed by Stone(1954) and found one more category i.e. Moralistic Shoppers. Moschis (1976) study on cosmetics found that shoppers besides being store loyal were brand loyal also. Bellenger & Kargaonkar (1980) study found that 69% of the respondents were categorized as Recreational shoppers and rest as Economic shoppers. Guttman & Mills (1982) described the shoppers as Leaders, Followers Independents, Neutrals, Uninvolved Negatives and Rejectors. There study revealed that leaders scored high on factors like fashion lead, shopping enjoyment on the cost conscious, practical. Followers scored on leadership dimensions and high on traditionalism. Independents were similar to leaders and followers, they were more aware of fashion. The neutrals, uninvolved and rejecters were similar to Stone’s (1954) apathetic shoppers who had little or no interest in shopping. Tatzel (1982) study integrated shoppers into fashion conscious, independent anxios and apathetic consumers. Lumpkin (1985) studied elderly consumer shopping behavior. He categorized consumers into three groups: Apathetic, Economic and Active shoppers. Lumpkin et. al. (1986) studied rural consumers shopping orientations. Moye (1998) examined relationship between a) shopping orientations and store attributes, b) shopping orientations and age, c) shopping orientations and approach – avoidance

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