Literature In English Literature

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Selcuk (2009) stated that, at the beginning of twenty-first century English language learning and English language teaching have become the center of attention in comparison to the twentieth century. As Crystal (1997) indicated "English language today has a special status in at least 70 or so countries and is most widely taught foreign language in over 100 other countries" (p.109). According to Selcuk (2009) these days, owing to the fact that English language includes various disciplines ranging from technology to the most common and famous culture, from medicine to educational system, from science to literature, and so on, millions of people all over the globe start to learn English language to progress at the same rate with globalization.…show more content…
Utilizing English literature in teaching English to EFL learners, makes them to express their emotions, feelings, and personal ideas freely in an intellectual environment (Selkuk, 2009). Additionally Atay (2007) remarked that "language learning and the study of literature are interrelated areas that cannot be separated from each other"(p.1). Lazar (1993), argued that, literature is able to grow EFL learners' imagination. Miall (1988) pointed out that "literary texts are admitted to evoke more emotions than other text types". Hence, "young EFL/ESL learners can easily involve in English as a target language when they engage with literary texts which stimulate their emotions and feelings"(Selcuk, 2009, p.3).Furthermore, Khatib (2011) remarked…show more content…
It may also enhance students' understanding of a foreign culture and perhaps spur their own creation of imaginative works. (p. 529) As Chang (2007) stated the learners' emotions, feelings, and psychological conditions are considered as important issues in foreign language acquisition. As Krashen (1982) claimed in one of his hypothesis which is called affective filter, the learners' emotional state is the major factor that would create a filter to block away input data. Moreover, Krashen (1982), declared that some of the factors such discomforting emotions and uneasy feelings such as anxiety may disturb the second language acquisition. As Chang (2007) claimed, "foreign language anxiety is often considered with threat-provoking emotional response; therefore, it seems difficult to deny the significance of language anxiety in the discussion of in the discussion of a second language acquisition"(p.2).Additionally, anxiety deteriorates the learners' performance (King,

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