Communicative Approach In Language Learning

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INTRODUCTION Here first we mentioned a definition which is based on’’ GRAMMAR TRANSLATI0N METHOD… Grammar is a set of rules that define how words or parts of words are combined or changed to form acceptable unit of meaning within a language.’’(Penny, 2000) According to GTM….We have been using English language since a long time English language has known as global or universal language, English is being seen everywhere. English was introduced in India. It was taught through g.t.m method which was established by Britishers. And G.T.M was being used in English language learning or teaching. G.T.M based on reading and writing skills. And because of those two skills communication does not take place in language learning. According to GTM students learn grammatical rules and apply all those rules by translating method in target language and native language. It enables to students to learn and written in target language (translate literature) this method teqniques providing for learning reading and writing.…show more content…
It technique to develop correct meaning on the spot from communication. It is also based on the ideas that learning language successfully comes due to having to make real communication of the meaning. When learners are interested to make real communication then natural abilities emerge directly without and single problem. It means strategies for getting or acquiring language would be used and this will help them to the correct language using in target language. If I enroll the correct example of communicative approach so…. If teacher asks the students to find out personal information about their colleagues. So all the students will try to give correct information according to teacher command so this example will be meaning full

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