Literature Review On Language Games

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CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction This chapter will be covered and discussed more detail about the definition of literature, the history of literature, the use of literature in language and learning, theoretical framework, conceptual framework and summary. 2.1 The Definition of Literature The literature can be divided into two main parts such as big “L” and small “l” as O’Sullivan (1991) suggested. Ganakumaran Subramaniam, Shahizah Ismail Hamdan and Koo stated that the big “L” is the focus of the text and small “l” is the usage of literature to teach language. This is because literature can be used a medium for teacher to teach students as three-way interaction based on the text, the amount of students…show more content…
First, games can lower students' anxiety. Secondly, students are highly motivating and entertaining by integrating language games in the classroom and introvert students will have their opportunity to express their opinions and feelings. Language games enable students to acquire new experiences within a foreign language such as English by creating a relaxed atmosphere in which students are encourage to remember things faster and better. However, teachers must take into consideration that the success of language games are governed by certain rules and regulation. According to Lengelling and Malarcher (1997) maintained that for the effectiveness of language game have to be governed by a number of…show more content…
The Game Bible. Workman Publisher. New York. Bennett, A. (2011). The Role of Play and Games in Learning. the 33rd Earl V. Pullias Lecture. University of South California (USC) USA. Fromme, J (2003). Computer games as a part of children’s culture. Game Studies, 3,1: McFarlane, A, Sparrowhawk, A and Heald, Y (2002). Report on the Educational Use of Games. TEEM (Teachers Evaluating Educational Multimedia): uk Kamra R, (2010). The Importance of Using Games in the English Classroom. Lengelling, M & Malarcher, C. ( 1997).” Index Cards”. A Natural Resource for Teachers. V. 35, N. 4. http://exchanges . state .govern/ forum. Wright, A., Betteridge, D., & Buckby, M. (2005). Games for language learning (3rd ed.). New York: Cambridge

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