Igor Stravinsky Accomplishments

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Igor Stravinsky is considered one of the greatest composers of the 20th century. Stravinsky came from humble beginnings in Russia, but is now known as an international composer with much influence on the classical genre. After an attempt to become a lawyer, he decided that music was his true passion and the route he wanted to take. Under the guidance of Rimsky-Korsakov, he was able to master the piano at a very young age. From that point on, he created some very successful ballets and has had many other achievements to his name. His willingness to push music further and become a pioneer for a music revolution is what truly transcended him into international stardom. Through the discussion of his life, his work, and his influence the reason…show more content…
Petersburg, Russia. His parents, a bass singer and a pianist, recognized the importance of music and gave him lessons as a child in piano and music theory. In 1890, he listened to “The Sleeping Beauty” by Tchaikovsky and this moment is considered to be the starting point for his true love of music (“Igor Stravinsky” 1). His parents, however, did not want him following their footsteps and convinced him to go to college. He studied law and philosophy at the University of St. Petersburg with the plans of becoming a lawyer. He was very uninterested in his studies and instead followed his passion in music by writing lots of compositions. In 1902, he brought some to the already known composer Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov who was impressed enough by Stravinsky to offer him private lessons. After he graduated in 1905, he decided that law was not for him and delved even further into his passion in music. During this time, he also married his cousin Catherine Nossenko and had four children with her. Stravinsky continued studying under Rimsky-Korsakov until he died in 1908. He considered this to be one of the harder times in his life and never trained under anyone else. He decided to take his skills to the stage which was the start to his long-lasting and very significant

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