challenges of the refusal of blood products in the healthcare
Directives Usage Who has the right to decide when to end life sustaining measures? Is it the individual, the health care provider, or the government? This has been an ongoing debate for many decades in the healthcare field. Advanced directives were suppose to be the simple solution to this dilemma. However, this simple solution has become very complicated and has evolved over the years. According to Watson et al. (2010) end-of-life care highlights the following issues: competency, persistent vegetative
thinking and understanding of evidence base practice. The rationalization of looking at evidence base practice as an important tool at the time of approaching any particular situation seems now as the best rational way, when I have to face a conflict or dilemma not only along the nursing career but also in my personal life situations that require a more objective approach. The importance of questioning and reasoning appear as the normal way to be, without ignoring