Four Principles Of Social And Social Guidance

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There are four principles of social and personal guidance which an educator should take into consideration before she can implement personal and social guidance in the classroom. And these principles are as follows: Individual Uniqueness – Firstly individual uniqueness should be respected by the educator because learners have their own inner values. Through accepting the learners unique individuality the educator helps the learner to discover their own self-worth and to develop an understanding of their own individuality. Acceptance – Secondly, acceptance is based on mutual relationships and develops when an educator accepts the uniqueness of learners which will in turn result in the learners learning to accept educators. Acceptance is essential…show more content…
• Be positive when dealing with learners with behavioral problems. • In order to build positive relationships with young learners it is important for the educator to show warmth, empathy, understanding and respect towards young learners as these are the building blocks to forming good relationships with young learners. • Before learners can behave in a certain way it is important for me as an educator to explain what acceptable behavior is before I expect it from a learner. Lastly it is important for an educator to remember that guidance is something one does with children and not too children. The above concludes why personal and social guidance is so important for the young leaner. It furthermore highlights the important role that parents and educators play in helping the child achieve a positive self-concept during the foundation phase. QUESTION…show more content…
It is vital to take immediate action as failure to act provides tacit approval of the behavior and this can in turn result in spreading the message that bullying is not a serious offence. I would notify both the victim and the bully’s parents. As principal I would also inform other staff members such as guidance counselors who can offer their assistance in the matter. I would offer support to the victim by listening and being sympathetic to her response ensuring that she knows that I take her concerns seriously and that I understand her distress. I would also inform the victim that the school will do its best to ensure that bullying does not happen or occur again. With regards to the bully, I would take into account that just as the bully needs discipline she could equally need guidance and support as learner’s behavioral problems can often be a symptom of underlying problems. I would award the bully an opportunity to discuss the matter or situation with me in private to minimize any power struggles and to minimize the level of aggression she may feel if reprimanded in front of other students and school

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