Juveniles Should Be Tried As Adults

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Charging juvenile offenders as adults or with other harsh penalty will lead these individuals into engaging in more criminality as an adult. Joshua Rosa Bronx Community College Criminal Justice- 22 Professor Jonelle Knox November 27, 2013 There are many court cases all over the United States, and even around the world where juvenile offenders are being tried as adults for crimes they have committed. Ohio’s juvenile justice system incarcerates the greatest percentage of its children, and California’s second runner upper. These are two of only fifteen states that ignore American Bar Association recommendations that a judge determines whether or not a child should be tried in adult court. Juvenile offenders should be shown some kind of leniency…show more content…
Teenage years are the most important years of a juvenile’s life. Everything that is done as a teenager is going to prepare them for the future, but sadly some juveniles don’t get to enjoy the rest of their lives due to a regretful mistake, or action they’ve committed as an adolescent. Juvenile offenders find out the hard way, that what they have done was wrong and feel remorseful about their crimes. These juveniles are forced to mature on their own in jail, make decisions for their self’s, and adapt to the jail life style because that’s their new home. Most juvenile offenders that are released from prison face felony charges as adults. Juvenile offenders lose the joy of a young life dramatically. Some spend their whole lives in correctional…show more content…
Shorstein. ‘’When I took office, our City [Jacksonville, Florida] was faced with a twenty-seven percent increase in the number of juveniles arrested from 1990 to 1991. Since then, we have prosecuted over 2,600 juvenile cases in adult court.’’ This statement shows how youth offenders committing criminal acts are escalating dramatically, and I feel that these juveniles should learn their lessons buy doing some jail time, but also should worked with instead of just given these harsh sentences. (Shorstein, 2007) Finally, the bottom line is those parents, relatives, friends or even the public; do not want so see children in jail, especially with adults. I personally feel as though it isn’t right for juveniles to be tried as adults, because they are still in the process of maturing and learning who they are as future adults. I also feel that juveniles in their teens don’t truly understand the gravity of their actions and how the actions that are committed at a young age can affect them for the rest of their lives. I my self was a Juvenile offender as a youth, I’ve been arrested several times, been on probation three times. Being in the juvenile justice system in New York City I’ve seen no sense of rehabilitation. My probation officers seemed careless, but as if they were just collecting a check. My whole time in the juvenile justice system I was just assaulted with threats and
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