Should Juveniles Be Tried As Adults

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Juveniles Are Not To Be Treated As Adults Numerous of children and teens have been convicted of murder and for other heinous crimes for years. Some have been tried as adult in the justice court and have been sentenced to life in prison where they will die behind bars. A juvenile is identified as a person who is eighteen years old or lower of age. Thousands of cases of young children who have committed crimes have been labeled as adults for what they have done and aren't given a chance to redeem themselves. In the article "Locked up: should teens be tried as adults?” published in a weekly reader publication, the article provides a bill called, “The Juvenile Justice Improvement…show more content…
In the article “Rethinking juvenile justice: after years of moving in the opposite direction, many states are now making it harder to try teen offenders in the adult justice system.“ , written by John Schwartz, the article shows the how it's becoming tougher for states to try a teen offender in the adult system. It discusses how sending children to prison for life will cause them more harm than good because of their brain not being fully developed. In fact, In the University Of Rochester Medical Center, it states the “teen’s brain isn't fully developed and won't be until him or she is 25 years old or so. “ As we all grow up we have experienced a thought where we look back at how immature we were and the type of mindset we had. So the fact that we don't fully develop at the age of 25 means a juvenile's actions was the brain's fault. Juveniles make invaluable crimes because of they believe is true. In the article, “ Children in adult jails; Juvenile justice“, Posted by blog Economist, this site provides a case where two 12 year old girls stabbed a woman 19 times leaving her dead in the woods. The article claimed the girls were trying to appease a mythical legend named slender man. This case shows us how juveniles commit crime for the most foolish acts their minds create. We should punish them for the crime they have committed and at…show more content…
We should also think about the younger ages. In the article "Violent justice: adult system fails young offenders", written by Bruce, The author Provides mentions when the juvenile transition to adult systems are either arrested in the future or it brings worse results into a juvenile's life. Juveniles are more likely to better off if they are to stay in the juvenile system because it can will give them another chance to redeem themselves for the crime and mistakes they have
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