Socrates: In The Apology Written By Plato

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Socrates and the Hemlock Cup. In the Apology, written by Plato, Socrates is put on trial for being an atheist as well as a sophist .It was alleged that Socrates had participate in corrupting the youth with such beliefs (Hughes, 2011).Therefore, he was expected to defend himself against the numerous accusers. While on trial, Socrates takes note of the premise that it is indeed possible that he is being put to death because of the purported crimes. His expectations on this possibility continue to rise until he eventually receives the death sentence. In his entire defense, Socrates talks about the subject of death and everything that it consists of. He does this with the aim of developing the best view of death. By the time the trials end, Socrates has managed to examine his fate as calmly as he did when inquiring about all the other truths. From the book, it is evident that his philosophical wisdom is well demonstrated by his death analysis (Hughes, 2011) .This is imperative because it shows that he…show more content…
As stipulated in the Athenian law, the jurors registered their judgment using small disks that were placed into two urms (Rudebusch,2009). Socrates was unfortunately found guilty. The next step was determining his sentence. His accusers suggested the death penalty. Socrates was thus given an opportunity to suggest a punishment for himself. Rather than avoid death by making a reasonable recommendation such as exile, Socrates made a sarcastic offer by asking them to give him a reward for his actions. When the jurors pushed him for a more reasonable sentence , he offered to pay a sum of money. Faced with these two punishments, the jury went for the death of Socrates .According to the Athenian law , death was prescribed to take place by drinking a whole cup of hemlock poison.This means that Socrates was required to be his own

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