Personal Statement: The Importance Of Public Health

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Personal statement Like many medical students, I was unsure of which specialty. I have very broad clinical interests. Majoring in public health was not one of my choices. My clinical practical experience at university hospital taught me firsthand the necessity of public health. After graduation from International school of Medicine Bishkek KG, I went back to my home land. I attended monthly maternal mortality meetings conducted in my village hospital, in the meeting I realized the bulk of the maternal deaths were mainly attributed to delays in seeking medical care in relation to the onset of the presenting complains .A small percentage was due to delays at the facilities in provision…show more content…
It can help prevent and bring solutions to health issues like no other field. In the small villages of Pakistan, multinational oil companies, fabric and other factories have polluted the rivers and stream used by ordinary people for their livelihood. The situation is dire. People cannot fish nor do anything due the polluted water of these factories, choking oxygen and sunlight from sustaining ecosystems. Compounding the problems are elevated illiteracy rates, and a general lack of preventative medicine and education results in rampant preventable diseases. The health system needs serious reform and the right management. Policy makers have failed to think long term and properly. My people are suffering from neglect in all spheres of their existence as humans, especially in the health sector. The outside world thinks on the ongoing plague of HIV/AIDS, but this is only one part of our massive set of issues. My studies in public health will go a very long way to helping me grasp the proper concepts and tools needed to work with the government to bring sustainable solutions to problems in small villages of Pakistan. I have lived in central Asia for over five years studying medicine but that has not undermined my love for public health, Diseases like Malaria, microfilaria infection and other preventable diseases affect many people in this…show more content…
I come from a large family; my two cousins are died due to typhoid and measles. I know that if the health sector was better funded, better equipped and better managed with clear and effective policies, this kind of suffering could been avoided. I want to go into public health because I believe strongly that I can contribute not only to my people but also to people all over the world. I have seen, firsthand people dying from typhoid or measles, and it sickens me. I want to pursue the Master of Public Health Program with a concentration in Health Behavior and Education in order to research and implement intervention policies aimed at providing the population with direct access to health care services. Also, I inspire to infuse health care concepts in young men and women by integrating health awareness in educational programs and conducting campaigns that would elevate a sense of responsibility for a better well-being. Through proper interventions, planning and implementation of effective policies, I anticipate being able to bring about much-needed change through my work with an NGO or non-profit affiliated with the UN or directly through the Ministry of Health of

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