Environmental Conclusion

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Conclusion For the purpose of protection of environment and ecological development should strictly focus on: • Conservation & survey of flora, fauna, forests and wildlife • Prevention and control of pollution • Afforestation & regeneration of degraded areas • Protection of environment, all within the frame work of legislations. To achive the goal for protection of environment the following tools are required to be utilized. • Surveys and impact assessment • Control of pollution • Regeneration programmes • Support to organizations and NGOs • Research to solve solutions • Training to augment the requisite manpower • Collection and dissemination of environmental information • Creation of environmental awareness among all sectors…show more content…
Through the years, the government of India has passed innumerable laws to help them in their task of environmental protection. Sadly, all the regulations and acts have not done enough to protect the environment. The greed of many in the governing bodies has led to misuse of the laws and ruthless exploitation of the land, leading to ecological destruction and social injustices. Most leaders of industry lack a social conscience. They have exploited our country’s resources and polluted our earth, water and air. Public apathy has not helped either. The people, as citizens of this country have not made their voices heard. The opening up of the economy and globalization has put a greater pressure on the resources, further vitiating the fragile eco-system of India. A recent trend which is heartening to note is the role of the Indian Judiciary in environmental protection. It has adopted public interest litigation (PIL) for the cause of environmental protection. This has proved an effective tool. For example, an attempt to…show more content…
There is failure on the part of governmental machinery. It is submitted that violence on environment should be denuded. There is a need to look into the working of pollution control boards. It has also been an accepted fact that Indian laws for pollution control are replete with flaws. There is no flexibility in the standards as they are more prescriptive and define uniform standards without taking into account, the type or size of the industry or the cost of pollution abatement. Legal action to protect and preserve the environment is not up to the mark in India due to the poor enforcement of environmental protection laws. It is high time that the people of India wake up to realize the severe magnitude of the damage wrecked on the mother earth in the guise of development. To the decision makers, the protection and welfare of our environment, hardly matters. All these add up to an unredeemable violation of human rights by the industrialists who assists for the state’s inaction under the façade of industrial and technological development. The people cannot, any more succumb to fatalism or eat the opium of industrial and technological development involving human causalities as an inevitable evil. The researcher submits to eliminate the subdued thought that has been too deeply ingrained in the psyche that expenses on environment protection is a sheer waste and make the common man suffer has to be
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