Climate Change In Haiti

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Haiti is a small island in the Caribbean archipelago. Climate change has proven to have the greatest impact on small islands, like Haiti. In the following paragraphs, I will describe the challenges Haiti has been facing, my group’s solutions to these problems, and the energy roadmap we have researched. Haiti is the poorest island in the Western hemisphere, with 54% of the people living on US$1 a day, and 78% living on less than US$2 a day. The reason for this poverty has a lot to do with climate change. Over the past few decades hurricanes, land slides, and heavy rain continue to increase in intensity and frequency. Before, hurricanes also struck, but on a smaller scale, and allowed a recovery period before striking again. However, people…show more content…
Another result of this economic problem is that people have become dependent on charcoal as a desperate source of income. Deforestation has become an urgent issue, with less than 2% of the trees remaining. This has caused the desertification of lots of land, due to erosion, floods, droughts, etc. Charcoal has also become the only marketable source of energy. These issues continue to plague Haiti’s people. One of the most important issues in Haiti is how the people can adapt to the changing climate, based on their level of resources. Adaptation is critical, for both the short-term and the long-term, because even if carbon emissions were to stop entirely overnight, the oceans have already heated up, and will therefore continue to cause problems for the next century or so. First, we need to guide local farmers towards sustainable solutions, by building on their existing capacities. Second, we need to develop and support reforestation initiatives, which are crucial to climate change adaptation. This will reduce erosion, lessen the impact of hurricanes, and will also fertilize the soil. Reforestation projects should also address the benefits of diversifying tree varieties. Planting, for example, fruit trees…show more content…
Today, the country’s electricity system relies on expensive, unreliable fossil fuel generators, and an aging infrastructure, but because there is no centralized grid system, Haiti has the opportunity to leapfrog conventional energy development. Access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy is a linchpin to human development.The country’s electricity sector is plagued by low access rates, poor service quality, and inadequate capacity. Only 25% of the population has access to electricity, and those with power only receive power for five to nine hours per day. 85% of its current electricity generation relies on imported fossil fuels, such as petroleum, exposing the country to rising fuel costs. And the fact that only a quarter of Haitians have access to energy, poses as a key barrier to advances in human health, economic development, social equality, and education. However, great opportunities exist to improve service, and build an electricity system that is economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable. Haiti has abundant renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, and biomass, as well as a growing number of renewable energy practitioners. The government has committed to diversifying the country’s energy sources, and expanding its use of renewable energy. Switching to renewable energy could save Haiti up to US$ 5.84 billion, and create up to 1,870 new jobs by 2030, and

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