Liberalism In International Relations

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a) Realism In international relations, realism is one of dominating theory and approaches in addressing the complex global issues. Several scholars that mostly known are Hans J. Morgenthau, Niccolo Machiavelli, and Thomas Hobbes. The story of realism most often begins with a mythical tale of the idealist or utopian writers of the inter-war period (1919-39). Realist criticized the idealist which ignore the role of power, overestimated human beings were rational, mistakenly believed that nation-states shared a common interest and overly belief that humankind capable the scourge of war. Especially after the outbreak of World War 2, realist confirmed what they had belief so far. In international relation, the definition of realism is differ…show more content…
Liberalism is a term rooted in the Latin word liber, which means free. Liberalism is an ideology whose central concern is the liberty of the individual; liberals see the establishment of the state as a necessary part of preserving liberty either from harm by other individuals or by states; the state must always be the servant of the collective will, not the master, and democratic institutions are the means of guaranteeing this. Furthermore, the theoretical roots of liberalism can be found in the seventeenth-century writings of John Locke and the eighteenth century works of Adam Smith which also known as classical liberalism. Basically, liberalism stressed on individual freedom, cooperation, and…show more content…
Constructivist see in international institution, there are regulative norms as a set of basic rules for standards of behavior and constitutive norms to define the behavior. This institution mostly exist at a fundamental level of international society, such as international law, diplomacy, and sovereignty, as well as regimes. In this end, constructivism challenged other theories with its insistence to view the world politics not only for its material but the social value in it that form the
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