Role Of European Union In International Relations

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Roles of European Union in International Relations 1. Introduction: International Relations is concerned with relations among nations and other issues like non-state actors, international political economy, international security, foreign policies and major powers, globalization, international terrorism, international environment and area studies , it's also an attempt to explain behavior that occurs across the boundaries of states. The EU has expanded its roles in the international system; it plays important roles in international politics, law and economic, human rights and humanitarian aid and peace, with Lisbon treaty, the EU has made an attempt foreign affairs and security policy (HR) who is served by the European External Action Service…show more content…
The Role of the EU in Human Rights: Embedded in the European integration experiment since its inception, the triad reflects the intrinsic core values of the European project’s ontology and teleology. As the process of integration crystallized, the respect for human rights as well as the promotion of democracy and peace became concrete goals guiding the European Union’s foreign policy actions and tools. In particular the Union will consider concrete measures such as: 1) Enhance the capacity to jointly assess the human rights situation in the world by closer co-ordination and otherwise ensure that all pertinent means for action are available within the framework of the Union, including through the possible publication of an annual EU human rights report 2) further develop cooperation in the field of human rights, such as education and training activities, in coordination with other relevant organisations, and ensure the continuation of the Human Rights Masters Programme organised by fifteen European…show more content…
Member States of the Union support all three pillars of the UN’s work, namely peace and security, human rights and development. EU Member States together are the largest financial contributor to the UN system, paying 38 percent of the UN’s regular budget, more than two fifths of UN peacekeeping operations and around half of all UN Member States’ contributions to voluntarily funded UN funds and programmes[ A total of more than 1 billion Euros was approved by the EC to be channeled to the UN in 2005 for the implementation of projects and programmes. Europe plays an active role in both shaping and implementing international standards for human rights, the environment and health amongst other

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