Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's TED Talk, The Danger Of The Single Story

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Disagreement is a natural part of human interaction and although it might be seen as something unpleasant, its importance is more significant than what is generally perceived. Being involved in a constructive discussion where both parts are disagreeing is more favorable as opposed to not being involved in the process of sharing ideas, put simply, disagreement is an essential part of creating established ideas and opinions. The “one perspective”/single story is generally the perspective we as humans adapt to our own. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie describes this in her speech “TED Talk, The danger of the single story”(2009) as seeing the society through the eyes of the definite story. The idea that Adichie presents regarding the definite story could be explained as an influence from literature,…show more content…
In Walker’s book a family dispute is presented where the main characters lack the use of testing single stories, as a consequence, this leads to them only expressing their “unestablished” single stories. Each and every one in Everyday Use have their own perspective and as suggested in Stephen's speech one effect of disagreeing is “enlarging our perspectives”. The lack of disagreeing in a constructive manner is leading to the characters not enlarging their perspective, this is affecting them in everything from understanding how people reason to how the world is portrayed. Whilst one could argue that there indeed exists a discussion where opposing opinions are expressed, these interactions are not constructive. Additionally, by not disagreeing through an exchange of ideas and opinions the characters keep their single stories untested, therefore these individuals are restraining themselves from acquiring a broader view or even from changing their

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