Information Seeking Behaviour

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A STUDY ON INFORMATION SEEKING BEHAVIOR OF STUDENTS AND FACULTY MEMBERS IN BUSINESS SCHOOL A Research Proposal In the present educational scenario, advent of e-media into education such as Internet, Television, Mobile Learning Technology, Tablet Computers etc., have contributed much in sharpening the reading habits of students. This situation requires studying how best the students’ information seeking behavior, especially, reading habits in the current changing learning environment are influenced. Course content and the way of its delivery have been changed from class room to web based environment. This aspect necessitates studying how students seek information related to their course. The transition in infrastructure of libraries needs…show more content…
The broad term Information Science includes within its purview, the terms User Studies and Information Seeking Behavior. When focusing on the term information seeking behavior, the concept has been taken in a general perspective as it is a set of actions applied in identifying information needs, in seeking the required information to satisfy the needs, to select the right information among the mass of information, to evaluate the selected information and finally use information in the appropriate context. There are many definitions, models and theories on the information behaviors and related concepts. To have an extended view, few concepts mined from definitions of Wilson (2000) are given below: There are four concepts derived from the definitions. They are a) Information Behavior, b) Information Seeking Behavior c) Information Search Behavior and d) Information Use…show more content…
Everyone use information for their personal, societal and official needs. Effective usage of information determines the level of satisfaction on the fulfillment of needs. The perspective and effective usage of information depends upon the attitudes, otherwise called as behaviors that the information seeker applies in the process of seeking information. The application of behaviors in the information seeking process becomes complex in a situation where the flow of information in print, digital and visual forms are enormous. The appropriate application of attitude will enable the seeker not to be caught among the overflow of information, especially with irrelevant information. Information seeking behavior gains significance since it is the driving force to achieve excellence empirically and cognitively in academic, research and social needs. In academic environment, the majority of information is provided through libraries, classroom lecture notes, internet, media and friends. The libraries especially in Business School institutions play a vital role in providing information related to academic, research and general aspects. These libraries provide various resources such as books, periodicals, back volumes, patents, standards, projects, thesis, newspapers etc. Libraries facilitate access to these resources through print, digital and visual modes. In the current scenario, more number of business schools are being
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