Health Problems In Physical Health

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Physical Health Problems Beliefs, attitudes and perceptions are shaped by society and culture. The way individuals perceive a health problem does influence their likelihood of seeking health care. Scheppers et al (2005) studied the potential barriers to the use of health services among ethnic minorities. They found that ethnic minority patients' cultural perceptions about symptoms may act as a barrier, as their needs may be differently expressed. Ethnic minority groups may present classical symptoms in a different way, which could result in a missed diagnosis. Thus, often due to cultural perceptions about symptoms it seems more difficult to arrive at an appropriate diagnosis. Maneze et al (2015) studied the facilitators and barriers to health-seeking…show more content…
For example, men in the United States are more likely than women to adopt beliefs and behaviours that increase their risks, and are less likely to engage in behaviours that are linked with health and longevity (Courtenay, 2000). Specific physical diseases such as STDs, TB, also have various perceptions attached to them. These perceptions too affect individuals’ health care seeking behaviours. Zhang, Liu, Bromley & Tang (2007) explored perceptions of TB, and health care seeking pathways, among poor rural communities in Inner Mongolia. They found that respondents’ perceptions of TB were associated with their socio-economic status. Women, young people, low-income groups and those with less education tended to be less knowledgeable about TB. Such people were identified as less likely to seek care, or more likely to seek care at village level where it is…show more content…
In addition to such factors, there is less information and clarity about mental health problems as compared to physical health problems. This ambiguity may result in the fostering of skewed perceptions. A review on perceived barriers and facilitators to mental health help-seeking in young people helps prove this point. The review revealed that young people perceived stigma and embarrassment, problems recognising symptoms (poor mental health literacy), and a preference for self-reliance as the most important barriers to help-seeking. Moreover, there was evidence that young people perceived positive past experiences, and social support and encouragement from others as aids to the help-seeking process (Gulliver, Griffiths & Christensen, 2010). Bayer & Peay (1997) aimed to predict the intentions to seeking help from professional mental health services. Overall, their findings indicated that a significant factor influencing people's decisions to utilize professional mental health services in Australia may be the belief that mental health professionals are not actually able to provide a great deal of help or support for people's difficulties. Girma & Tesfaye (2011) found that beliefs regarding the causes of mental illnesses hover between the natural and the supernatural. In their study, half of the patients sought traditional treatment

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