Importance Of Information Seeking Behaviour

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2.3. INFORMATION SEEKING BEHAVIOUR OF TEACHER Information behavior (IB) refers to the totality of human behaviour in relation to sources and channels of information including active and passive information need, information seeking and information use (Wilson, 2000). Information seeking behaviour involves the behaviour require active exposure to print and non-print information resources including exposure to mass media, the internet and other web-based social networks. To Wilson (2000) information seeking behavior is purposive seeking of information as a consequence of a need to satisfy some goals and to interact with others. During the process of information seeking, teacher’s may be presented with a variety of information related to their…show more content…
The goal of a learning task is to help the learner achieve specified learning outcomes through interaction with the task description and the problem constraints to define and develop an evidence-based solution (Tanni&Sormunen, 2008). Thus, the issue of teachers health information is a learning task that warrants them to always seek information on issue relating to either their health need or the precaution they can take to lead to avoidance of health…show more content…
Thus, it is considered more important to find material that is useful in classroom situations rather than information from purely scientific sources or their health need. In essence, the most important criterion for material selection is its applicability in the classroom (Kahlert, 2001; Tanni et al, 2008). This is affirmed by Sànchez and Valcàrcel (1999) when they state that all teachers claim to take students into account when preparing for lessons; they consider the level of the learners, age and general knowledge of the subject in question. It is evident that the teachers bear the learners in mind when they seek information for teaching

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