Commercialization Of Agriculture In India

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Commercialisation of the agriculture under the British colonial rule was another big results of economic policies adopted in India. According to this policy of Commercial Agriculture British colonial rulers encouraged the crop production for the market instead for consumption. The traditional structure of economy as well as the existing legal framework of India was disrupted due to this commercial agriculture. It also adversely affected the socio- economic position of the peasantry. • CONCEPT OF COMMERCIALISATION OF AGRICULTURE: The concept of commercialisation of agriculture was started after the industrial revolution in England. Post 18th century the agrarian property relations witnessed the revolutionary changes. The commercialisation…show more content…
Britishers, either by their implementing their direct or indirect policies initiated the commercialisation of agriculture of India. The barter system was replaced by the exchange of cash transactions. • REASONS WHICH LEAD TO COMMERCIALISATION OF AGRICULTURE: The growth of economy became the important factor to the commercialisation of the agriculture. The contract and competititon replaced the tradition and the customisation system in Indian agriculture. During the time of British rule the easiest means of communication was initiated with rapidly developed railways and shipments. The trade in agricultural products became easier and feasible in the long distance trades. Also the colonial subjugation of India became one of the crucial reasons for the commercialisation of agriculture. India was reduced with the supply of raw materials and the manufactured imported goods by Britain. Establishment of land revenue payments also lead to the agricultural…show more content…
There were different techniques which were opted by such as the policy of free trade also boosted the commercialisation; it increased the production of jute, etc in textiles. There were peasants who were in loan which ultimately made them grow commercial crops which led them to pay back their interests to the money lenders. However, the supply of raw materials to the British industries was the solo motive which turned beneficial to the colonial rulers. • EFFECTS OF COMMERCIALISATION OF AGRICULTURE IN INDIA: The impact of commercialisation on the economy of India was not positive as expected. It was a failure due to lack of the resources, poor organisation of agriculture, out-dated technology. It was only the rich farmers who were benefitted by this policy of the colonial rulers. Also when we consider the traders and the manufacturers of the goods it affected the people of this group with opportunity to grab more profits. It also partially benefitted the traders of India and also the people who participated as money lenders and also acted as middlemen for the British people. It also adversely affected the poor section of people living in India. It became difficult for them to survive; it was difficult for them to survive with insufficient food. The peasants were coerced to sell whatever they produced in order to to meet in time the demands of the British

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