Racial And Gender Equality In Modern India

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India is a plural nation, where multiplicity is as natural as sunshine and there is no substitute to democratic coexistence. In this democratic coexistence, racism and sexism are not simply biological or genetic classifications but social and political processes which still reflect on the face of Modern India. Recognizing its existence, which is so deep rooted in the social fabric of India, is the initial remedy. Nevertheless, law framers need to realize that complete minoritarianism on arbitrary grounds would only lead to ‘reverse discrimination’ which would never bring a solution to the disquiet because the term ‘equality’ needs to be appropriately justified. Racial and Gender Equality: The Face of Modern India? By Shreyans Chopra “…..Out…show more content…
Even in this contemporary era, racism and gender discrimination in India is not mere malevolence which can be ousted in a jiffy; rather it is a social stigma which still reflects on its ‘Modern Face’. India being an assortment of variety of races has been a haven to varied people alienated in terms of religion, caste, creed, language, attire, food habits and skin colour. We find crystal apparent traces of racism in the colonial era when Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (better known as ‘Mahatma Gandhi’ today) and Nelson Mandela put up a fight against apartheid in their own ways. After more than half a century, the face of India changed with technological, scientific, economic, political and industrial advancements. Amidst this modernization, it is vital to understand that the concept of racism and gender discrimination in India is not simply a biological or genetic classification. Nor is it a mere collection of beliefs and attitudes. It is a social and political process, woven intrinsically out of ‘customs’ or ‘filthy politics’. Indian culture which has been influenced by a millennia old history, since ages, has been a victim of institutionalized racism wherein people have been denied their rights. It all began…show more content…
Advertisements, specially ‘matrimonial ads’, portray skin colour as directly attributed to self confidence of a person or obtaining foreign visas and advance university degrees. The ‘Classifieds’ column in any newspapers portrays the obsession for fair skin in India. A recent TV commercial of ‘Airtel’ aiming to break the social stereotype showed a wife who’s the boss of her husband at work and the man accepted that gracefully. However it was the wife who still had to cook for him, thus sponsoring another inherent stereotype of the Indian

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