Industrial Strikes Act 1947

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Amendments and study of strikes and lockouts The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 provides the machinery and procedure for the investigation and settlement of Industrial Disputes. The provisions of this act have been amended from time to time based on the experiences gained from various past cases. The National commission of Labor in 1969 made an in-depth study on the various Industrial relations and procedures leading to disputes between the employers and employees and decided to make changes in the act so that the resolutions of various Industrial Disputes could be made in a much speedier way. Hence, the commission proposed various amendments in the bill to amend the act in 1982. There were many reasons illustrated to amend the act. Interpretations…show more content…
It is done so as to make changes in the adjudication process and provide benefits to both the parties to ensure a smooth running of the entire process. Hence, one of the major reasons the act was amended was to speed up the adjudication process, which made sure the disputes were solved at a much quicker rate. This helped the industries to function once again and reduce any damage that the dispute may have caused to the economy over this period of dysfunction. Amending the act also meant that it was supposed to have a major influence in reducing the number of strikes and lockouts but it was proved that it was not the case, as even though amending the act helped in better decision making on part of the courts; it didn’t really do much when it came to improving the relationships between the employers and the employees. Also, had the bill made any proposals regarding collective bargaining, wherein both the employer and employee have equal say regarding matters of disputes, such as salary and perks, before taking it to the courts, there would have been a significant decrease in the number of industrial disputes. But, even then it is fair to say that by improving the adjudication process through these amendments, the economy of the country has improved in some…show more content…
It can be observed from the set data, that the average number of strikes and lockouts has always had a general upward trend. It can also be observed that the number of lockouts have always dominated the number of strikes in reducing production. But the most notable observation that can be made here is that from the mid-eighties up to the early nineties there has been as much a decrease in man-days lost due to strikes as there has been an increase in the same due to lockouts. The reason for this is the major economic crisis that affected India during this period. So, to sustain the economy, the Government wanted to encourage emerging private investors. Hence, they decided to discourage strikes by declaring them illegal, which in turn empowered the employers. As a result of this, the number of lockouts in the country increased significantly. During this period about 47.6% of the strikes were unsuccessful as a consequence of the Government’s

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