Industrial Influence On The Environment

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Industrial effluence is a critical issue today. In the modern world of today many countries are trying to develop the industrial sector in the respective countries. With the development of the industrial sector it will automatically increase the rate of waste disposal in the area. According to book title Types, amount and effect of industrial solid waste, it explain “Industrial solid waste refers to solid waste generated in production activities such as industry, traffic, and resource development. They include solid wastes, semi-solid wastes, and liquid and gaseous wastes in vessels that are not permitted to discharge into the environment”. (inhui Li, 2003). This research will explore generally about industrial water pollution and more specifically…show more content…
This type of plan is useable to produce a many types of product. According to Food and Agriculture of United Nation “cassava could become the raw material base for an array of processed products that will effectively increase demand for cassava and contribute to agricultural transformation and economic growth in developing countries.”(Nation, 2008), Which means it becoming a big potential to developed. But there are some disadvantage in the process that effect by the production of cassava product such as waste water containing starch. Uncontrolled production of starch will cause a lot of problems for the environment. Problems created from waste water occur when this is removed from the factory, especially if handled incorrectly. Waste water generated by starch and farinhaprocessors, in certain cases it will absorb to the soil, but it depending on the soil characteristics, partial leaching may contaminate the groundwater, while overflow may affect surface water. Waste water is also released directly to adjacent land, or is returned directly to streams and other surface water sources (Howeler et al., 2001). This pollution can be identified through chemical oxygen demand test, COD. Based on the journal “Anaerobic treatment of cassava starch extraction wastewater using a horizontal flow filter with bamboo as support” the writer explain about “starch processing plants produce diluted wastewater, it is a source of pollution and causes…show more content…
Thus, it is important to reduce the contamination in the waste water through biological way. by using starch-utilizing bacteria it’s may help to reduce the use of chemical in the pollution control. The initiative of this study is to find out the best growth factor that can help to produce those bacteria in large scale. To reach the maximum capacity of the production growth profile should be construct to know which way is the best to growth this bacteria. To perform this growth construction, the best media need to set up. It is important to supply a nutrient in order to reach a maximum growth. The benefit of the study can be applied in future in industrial area especially the area that working with starch waste such as palm oil, cassava, potato and etc. as we know most biological way is good for keep the ecosystem in good condition, so from this study also its may help to preserve the environment without using

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