The Pros And Cons Of Industrial Training

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Industrial training course is a prerequisite for any degree student to graduate. It is a component of learning programme that provide an opportunity for the students to learn in the working environment in order to prepare them with the real working environment (UKM, 2011). The objective of this course is to improve the quality of graduates by exposing them early to the reality of employment world. Students that have industrial training experience will have advantages compare the others students that did not attend for this course. From student perspective, industrial training or internship is a valuable learning experience and they can get an academic credit, financial compensation, and earn a grade. Students also feel that industrial training is priceless compare to teaching, that formal training should be at the beginning of industrial training and direct supervision present through-out. (Hite and Bellizi, 1986). Meanwhile from employee point of view, industrial training is a “golden opportunity to try before buying” which they refer to students that they thinks have potential to work with them after graduation. (Neuman and Cates-McIver, 1999). Through industrial training, student will get expose to the organizational details and its internal management. This is a gold opportunity for student that will assist them in…show more content…
The issues are about ethical issues in working placement. Kohlberg (1984) insist that the ethical issues have strong influence on moral, the unethical experiences and observation during industrial training can influence on their ethical awareness. According to Rest (1984), this component involves ‘trying to understand the gut feeling on the matter’ as empathy, anger or anxiety may be present prior to reflecting or contemplating on a social situation. The issues involve discrimination, discipline, conflict of interest, bad role modelling, misuse of office facilities and misuse office

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