Industrial Revolution Research Paper

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The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution began in England during the late 1700’s. Variety groups of residents in England such as, workers, owners, government officials and other citizens were influenced by the transition to innovative mass producing, known as the Industrial Revolution. This new method of manufacturing had positive and negative influenced on the community. For instance, it inspired inventors to create superior machinery, which created good quality and cheaper products. Unfortunately, these led to deleterious of many workers since there was a scantiness of laws for the inhumane working conditions. During the Industrial Revolution there were multifarious of positive and negative effects on the economic and social life…show more content…
For example, John Lombe created a Silk Mill Factory to produce better quality silk and provide jobs for thousands of people. There were other inventions during this time period that led to important changed that greatly affect us today. For example the first car, this new method of transportation has been improved on and is a big part of almost every adult’s life. In an excerpt from from The Working Man’s Companion published in 1831 it is written, “We have … shown you … an infinite number of comforts and conveniences which had no existence two or three centuries ago and these comforts are not used by a few, but are within reach of almost all men”, this document explains the benefits of the Industrial revolution, one being the availability for most people (Document 4). The three benefits from the mass production of this new era are cheaper goods, better build homes, and cheaper as well as faster transportation. A pamphlet from 1797 claims that factories created thousands of jobs for poor people, this opportunity gave them the money to feed their families and educate them (Document 5). Two men, Andrew Ure and Leon Faucher, visited the factories as wells as homes of the works are claimed that they lived in healthy conditions and worked in safe environments (Document 3 and 6). Not many people agreed with their…show more content…
Since children working forces were cheaper for the owners, most workers were children. They were also small and could easily climb between dangerous machines to clean them out while the machines are operating. Most children started working when they were under 10 years of age. William Cooper describes the negative effects he experienced, he says “We had just one period of forty minutes in the sixteen hours… We had no time to go to day school”, (Document 1). Children who worked were treated poorly. They were beaten to stay awake, worked long hours, and had no right to their childhood. Another except describes the condition children and other workers found themselves in. In document two Joseph Hebergram describes such, “There were about a dozen who died during the two years and a half that I was there… where I worked last, a boy was caught in a machine and had both thigh bones broke and from his knees to his hip flesh ripped up … his hand was bruised, his eyes nearly torn out and his arms broken. His sister… had both her arms broke and her head bruised. The boy died”, these jobs children had were a constant threat to their lives. They often got sick and damaged many of their organs, such as lungs, muscles and their bone structures (Document 2). The apartments were most workers lived were overcrowded and full of filth. In Document 7 Friedrich Engels described

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