Work-Family And Family Relationship

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One of the reason on work-family conflict is the influence of the workaholism. Workaholism may not affected to marital relationship. Burke (2000) argues that there is no relationship between workaholism and actual divorce (Matuska, 2010). But the issue here is the influence of workaholism parents on parent child relationship. The emotional well-being of children with one or more workaholic parent may negatively affected. Caroll and Robinson (2000) stressed that some of the greater harmful effects included greater anxiety and depression while in Robinson (1998) found in increased feelings of loneliness and abandonment. There are some objectives highlighted in this writing. First, to verify the structure of workaholism. Second is to identify…show more content…
According to Fassel (2000), research has suggested that high levels of distress exists in families of workaholics (Matuska, 2010). Brian E. Robinson has presented a case study of a workaholic man and his family (Robinson, 1998). The case study reflects common themes in workaholic families such as the development of a pattern of circularity. The following typically occurs; (1) family members become consumed with trying to get the workaholic to stop his or her behaviours; (2) family members feel abandoned, lonely, isolated, and unloved; (3) family members may complain about the workaholic's behaviours (workaholics may use the complaint to justify their aloofness); (4) and spouses may feel resentful and angry for having responsibility for most of the household and childcare duties (Robinson, 1998). Workaholics often try to hide their workaholic behaviour. They may hide work in their brief cases or be physically present but mentally working. Workaholics are usually uninvolved with their children, except only to teach them to be perfectionistic. As a result, children often feel that they can never please their workaholic parent and become high achievers to gain parental approval. The emotional well-being of children with one or more workaholic parent may be negatively affected. In addictions, university students of at least one workaholic parent had high level of depression than those who had at least one parent who was workaholic (Matuska,

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