The Pros And Cons Of Vegetarianism

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People has been lived in a vegetarian diet that relevant spiritual, religion, health, environment, and so on. It have countless reasons depend on person. A vegetarian diet excludes all animal foods, including animal flesh, dairy products and eggs. Vegan, macrobiotic, and fruitarian diets are into this category. Less restrictive forms include the lacto-ovo vegetarian diet includes dairy products and eggs and the lacto-vegetarian diet includes dairy product. During the last few decades of the 20th Century, the popularity of vegetarianism surged in the United State. A number of themselves to be vegetarian is over 12 million in 1994” ( People who make a decision to change their diets and embrace a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle do because of a number of reasons. They object to all forms of animal cruelty since believing sanctity of the all life. For the reason, they seek to exclude the increase of other animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. They are sure eating meat is unhealthy for their body. In addition, raising beef cattle and dairy cow is harmful for environment and ecologically irresponsible ( Their way of thinking influence people who are in the…show more content…
In his article “Why Becoming a Vegetarian Is Beneficial for You and the World”, he says, “if we all suddenly became herbivores it would benefits the world drastically by reducing chance of death, cruel ways of farming, and saving the world from global warming”. His point is that becoming a vegetarians can reduce the risk of death and animal cruelty, and threat of environment. However, Tonyh fails to justify those claims persuasively with the evidences. His logic is obviously distorts the lack research and knowledges. Vegetarian is not direct reason for beneficial health and environment. The inaccurate information make people’s diet

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