Industrial Development In Germany Essay

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Germany had challenges after the Napoleonic War ended in 1815. Only the major ports of Bremen and Hamburg had clear and secure access to the North Sea. But even so, it did not have any clear access to the vibrant trade routes in the Atlantic. In addition, many medievalist economic institution remained in place, hampering the growth of agriculture and industries. Feudalism returned and continued, leading to the continuation of serfdom of many people and their obligation to provide a share of their harvest and labour to their landlords. Moreover, guild controlled much of the industries and because with their licensure policies, the establishment of factories became difficult and limited. In trade perspective, local German textile industry faced…show more content…
Steam engines powered textile mills. Steam engines pumped out water in iron mines, making the extraction of the ore easier. It allowed the increase in the number of factories operating, most especially in Prussia. From only 419 in 1837, it grew to 1,444 in 1849. Besides factories and source of power, steam also changed trade. It allowed riverine tugboats to carry more load and transport goods faster. Steamships allowed the rise of industrial regions like the Ruhr region. They also allowed German ships access to the Atlantic trade. Steam provided the power that drove the industrial revolution in Germany. As stated, the use of steam engines led to the increase of coal. Aachen, Saarland, Ruhr, Silesia, and Saxony became centres of coal mining. In addition, the use of steam-driven tugboats led also the increase in demand and the production of coals. So from just a 1 million ton of coal in 1820, it grew to over 6 million in just thirty years. Railroads also served Germany well in its Industrial Revolution and also in its Unification. The first railroad line opened in December 1835 and ran between Nürnberg and Fürth. In 1839, another lined opened that connected Dresden and Leipzig. By the 1840s, major cities in Germany had been connected by railroads. Germany had 18,668 kilometres of railroad in 1870 from just 5.855 kilometres in
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