Special Education History

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History can serve many purposes depending on how and why they are being documented. It can be used as a means to give meaning to the present by taking a look and learning from the past, as it gives us solutions to problems that other people have encountered before. History may be seen as a timeline to see how far mankind has progressed throughout the years or as a reminder of things that humans have done wrong back then, and a lesson for us to not commit the same errors in the future. Throughout the history of Special Education, it took the world hundreds of years to understand and grasp the concepts of the different disabilities and exceptionalities, and how to deal, interact, and help them. But even until now, we are still in the process…show more content…
Diderot was jailed for writing “Letter on the Blind for the Use of Those Who See” stating that the blind can live normal lives. Despite him being imprisoned for his opinions, Diderot provided a powerful tool that started the reformation of the views about the visually impaired and started to pave a way for the start of special education. When we think about it, his views that the blind can have normalcy in their lives somehow reflect the goal of special education today: for the students to be equipped with life skills that will gear them towards being independent and productive members of society in their own…show more content…
USA, being one of the pioneer countries on special education, was the one who initiated the special education movement to the Philippines due to their progressive views that provided a cultural and social change to the country. During the American colonization, Ms. Delia Delight Rice, an American educator, established the School of the Deaf and the Blind in 1907, which opened the doors to the field of special education in our country. However, despite the fact that the school was established in the Philippines in 1907, it took 30 years before a Filipina was able to become principal of the school and an additional 20 years before the school started to implement notable projects and programs. So in a way, it shows that proper training, guidance, and experience is needed for a special educator to be able to make progress in the

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