How Has The Reformation Affected The World

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The Reformation was a great movement that began in Germany and spread quickly throughout Europe. It was initiated by the German Augustinian monk Martin Luther and John Calvin who started disorder and revolt with his discourse in response to the growing sense of corruption and abuse in the church. This reformation had different effects in many aspects of our lives but mainly in religiosity, politics, languages development, education and abolition of slavery and children sacrifice. This essay intends to briefly answer the question ¿ how has the reformation affected the world? by giving explanation about each one of the aspects mentioned above in detail. In relation to religiosity the reformation attacked magical and ritual practices, and gave God the absolute power and sovereignty. It would be difficult to understand the human development without studying the reformation. For example, in America there would never have been Pilgrim Fathers if there had not first been a Protestant Reformation. This movement left the bible, provided strong catholic leadership, emphasized spiritual and moral discipline and loyalty to the church. Thus, we can see that thanks to the…show more content…
For example Christian missionaries were responsible for writing the manuscripts at that time, and western literature could be understood thanks to this movement. Moreover, for all practical purposes Martin Luther stabilized the German language. In politics it is important to mention that the Reformation has affected the modern view of politics and law, because before the Reformation, the church governed politics. For example, the reformers controlled emperors and kings and governed the law of lands. I can not imagine this situation nowadays, so it means that challenges in politics were brought by this important
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