Economiceconomic Growth: The Desirability Of Economic Growth

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Today, every human being needs to work to make their lives sustainable, make it liveable and correspond their needs. However, there aren’t enough jobs to get in. In every country, the aim of the economy is to fulfill the requirement of its citizens and provide welfare but it’s seen that with each passing day population and their needs increase. This increase also makes the productive capacity increase with labour force, machines, raw materials, and natural resources taking part in and that’s how economic growth occurs. Economic growth is an increase in a countries productive capacity to produce goods and services using all its sources and it can be measured with GDP but the desirability of economy cannot be measured. The GDP (Gross Domestic…show more content…
This measurement shows how successful economy is in the counted year. If a GDP Per Capita is high enough or increased at any time period than it means that the living standarts grew in any sustained way, they live in better standarts, become more educated… When sustained growth occurred, it happened at different times in different countries, leading to vast differences between living standarts around the world and now every countries goal is to increase their own GDP Per Capita. Desirability of economic growth is an argument that has been dicussed for many years and through different political assesments. Through Ian Goldin, economic growth is beneficial and it influences life expactancy and literacy by increasing them. For him, desirability of economic growth should be analyzed by discussing both positive and negative sides of our lives and nature. On the other hand, Immanuel Wallerstein premidiates that economic growth is harmful for both humanity an nature. Alex Tabarrok mentions that economic growth constitutes crisis but he believes that larger markets can save lives and develop peoples living…show more content…
People who couldn’t afford his life expenses increased his working hours to be able to absorb the expenses of himself and his family. After new forms of flexible working hours like mini-job and part-time work occurred people started to work less hours or choosed the best job that fit them and somethimes it was the home-office. These alternatives improved employee’s work-life balances and motivated them also unemployment rates have decreased too. As it is seen on the graph, there is a negative corrolation between the number of working hours and income per person. Since 1980, developed countries like Korea, Germany and Japan’s working hours were 56,30,41 hours a week respectively and by 2007 they have all decreased to 44,28,34. But their incomes per person have increased from 4.899, 32.840, 19.740 to 26.730, 39.350, 34.470 respectively. There are other countries, which have faced the same situation, but these countries were the most intelligable ones seen on Gapmider. While the working hours decreased incomes per person increased. This means that employee’s job satisfaction and work-life conflict is corraleted with their working time flexibilities. People who can decide whether to start or leave a job are more satisfied and because they work, as they want, they work and produce more than others who start their jobs

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