Indonesian Culture

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As Antonio de Abreu yelled, “Land ahead!” in the year 1512, the ships of European explorers started to appear on Banda Island’s shores. When European explorers start to visit Indonesia’s harbors, significant changes start to occur that are still evident today. There were population increases that caused the great population density of Java that is still apparent in the 21st century. Brick buildings and corrugated iron roofs started to establish due to the architectural development from the Europeans; the said architectural styles that can be seen everywhere in modern Indonesia today. Protestantism and Roman Catholicism were introduced to the Indonesians who possessed a very limited array of choices of belief at the time and today take up around…show more content…
One of the most apparent influences is the country’s national language. Bahasa Indonesia takes Portuguese loanwords in their language, sharing many similar pronunciations and meanings with words from the Portuguese language. (Check research documents for all the examples). Because of the arrival of the Europeans, different, more sturdy brick buildings replaced Indonesia’s traditional ones and introduced new architectural styles. (Check research documents for all the examples). Portuguese culinary techniques were also incorporated into Indonesia’s traditional cuisine, especially in baking and (MORE DETAILS IN THE RESEARCH DOC. AHH). The culture seen in Indonesia today shares many similar elements as the Portuguese and Dutch through many great…show more content…
Indonesia’s people went from peaceful farming to frantically ripping the crops off their roots in order to pay their taxes and still have enough for themselves. There were significant social changes in the population’s number, health and understanding. Many elements in Indonesia’s artistic cultures can be found in the Portuguese’ and the Dutch’s. The Europeans have also been credible for the introduction to new beliefs that are still heavily practiced to this day. In general, Indonesia grew as a nation through their surprise visit from the Europeans. The nation took hits and learned more. Though some impacts may be negative, the long-term influence made Indonesia become the country seen today. Dear, Ms. Katie! I don’t have my research note taking guide to get the citations or the details for the body paragraphs. I especially lacked information for body paragraph 2 and 3.
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