Reflection On Value Exercise

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I will start this reflection report by the "value" exercise worked out during the module, in which, out of about 77 values, I will select the most important 10 values, then I will be eliminating them until only one "the most important value" remains. The most important ten values for me are knowledge, personal development, religion, responsibility and accountability, truth, self-respect, being around people who are open and honest, honesty, meaningful work, and ethical practice. By carrying out the exercise, the one value which I would never want to give up is the “knowledge ". It could be argued, why the knowledge not any other value although the other selected values are also of high importance, the main argument here is that the knowledge…show more content…
Also, it is worth mentioning, that GECOL as a state-owned company does not have - to certain extent - well-structured and dedicated culture, I mean, the national culture is prevailed culture in the…show more content…
Sometimes I find myself forced to take decisions which might effects people (for example who works with me as punishment), but GECOL rules requires this which I obliged to follow even if it contradicts with some of my ethical values, it is worth mentioning here that GECOL is high bureaucratic company in which sometimes endless paperwork is needed for simple decisions, in this regard, I find myself again obliged to follow those bureaucratic rules, particularly for
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